Things As They Are


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“We try to show you what goes on behind the door…”

Things as They Are was the first manuscript Amy Carmichael sent back to her British supporters after she began her mission work in India. 19th century England reacted in horror to the blunt honesty and tragic tales she relates in this volume, accustomed as they were to the polished, glossy stories of triumph that missionaries of her era were accustomed to sending back home. It was a first for its time, and Carmichael does her utmost to portray India as things truly were. The result is a gripping, if sobering, read.

About the Author

Amy Carmichael founded an orphanage and mission in Dohnavur, India. She spent 55 years on the field in the late 1800s and early 1900s and was a prolific author, with her books still in wide circulation across the globe.

Additional information


Amy Carmichael




5.5" x 8.5"



Page Count


Publication Date

July 2018

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