

Ponnammal is the story of Amy Carmichael’s partner and primary helper in the management of the Dohnavur orphanages.

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“What shall I say to commend the book to others? Simply this: Read it, and give God thanks for it; and read it again, and often. It will be a friend and helper to your faith, a kindling fire to your missionary thoughts, prayers, and efforts, a window through which you will see ‘the real India’ as it is not often seen, and a picture, wonderful and beautiful, of the life of the Lord lived in His missionary servants, and in the Indian sisters whom they have brought into His all-loving power and keeping.”

About the Author:

Amy Carmichael founded an orphanage and mission in Dohnavur, India. She spent 55 years on the field in the late 1800s and early 1900s, and was a prolific author, with her books still in wide circulation across the globe.

Additional information


Amy Carmichael




5.5" x 8.5"



Page Count


Publication Date

September 2018